Hi-Performance Coaching & Training
Training and Organizational Development for Manufacturers

Welcome to Hi-Performance Coaching & Training. I am dedicated to helping individuals, teams and organizations to be more productive and successful in today's ever changing market place.

I love manufacturing. It is a challenging, fast-paced and dynamic environment. We live in ever changing and economically challenging times, which puts even more emphasis and importance on effectively training and engaging your employees.

We offer the following training sessions to improve productivity and engagement:
  • Team development and team building
  • Communication Skills
  • Conflict Management
  • Coaching Skills for team leaders, supervisors and managers
  • Leadership Skills
  • Please note, other training sessions are available upon request
We also offer 360 surveys and assessments such as the Golden Personality Type Profiler and Keirsey Temperament Sorter, which are extremely helpful in improving communication and valuing the differences in team members, among other areas..

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or to get started today leslie@hiperformance.net or 210.379.4403

Experience and Memberships:

Certified Corporate Trainer
Certified Personal and Executive Coach
Certificate of Completion - Lean Manufacturing
San Antonio Manufacturing Association Member and Volunteer
American Society for Training & Development Member
San Antonio Organizational Development Association Member

Feedback from Clients:

"Leslie Hoy is an inspirational trainer and coach of organizational dynamics. Her depth of understanding of human behavior and caring for each individual was evident in her successful engagement with our company at Quantum Components. Her knowledge, persistence and enthusiasm helped us transform a traditional organization structure into an energized, efficient, flat, and productive team-based organization. Her ability and willingness to inspire and lead either an entire team or individual coaching of team members and her positive attributes of caring for the individual or team were evident. I highly recommend Leslie for your next training and organizational development endeavor."

- Danny McQuay, President, Quantum Components.

"It was my pleasure to attend Leslie's "Team Building" workshop. Her energy and enthusiasm were immediately apparent and made the time fly by. The interactive nature of the presentation and exercises really drove home the key points and reinforced the training. She also anchored the work by having people commit to 3 changes they would make when they get back to work. Most importantly, she asked for a lot of audience input and participation and worked it into the team building skills ideas. This made the participants feel even more valued and important. Her professional credentials are impressive, but to see her abilities in person is even more impressive. I look forward to being a part of another of her presentations in the near future."

- David Baenziger, Certified Business Advisor, Small Business Development Center and Institute for Economic Development

"Leslie brings out the best in you! Her charisma and enthusiasm are contagious. Her dynamic and interactive training style allows participants to share ideas openly in a class setting. She uses brainstorming exercises in class and rewards teams based on their contribution, which keeps the audience competitively engaged. She does a marvelous job in helping the trainees to understand the material and apply it in their work environments. One employee stated, ("The trainer was excellent, knowledgeable and informative.")" "Leslie's expertise in training and coaching has been a real asset for Texas Manufacturers Assistance Center. She taught three workshops covering time management, interpersonal communication, and motivational strategies for a local company. This summer, Leslie delivered an outstanding half-day workshop on teambuilding for San Antonio Manufacturers Association members. It has been a pleasure working with Leslie and I look forward to tapping her expertise in the future."

- Rosendo Cantu, MBA, Southwest Research Institute

"Superb - Informative - Timely. Those are just some of the comments I heard from people who attended the San Antonio Manufacturers Association Team Building Workshop. Those in attendance really appreciated not only the informative presentation, but also the chance to hear first-hand from someone such as your self about the need for teamwork and how to go about implementing a program. The success of an association such as SAMA depends on teamwork, so I can readily attest to the need for an effective program. Please accept our appreciation for not only an outstanding presentation, but also for taking time out of your hectic schedule to make it happen. It was a super effort and we really appreciate your support. Again, our thanks for your time and effort."

- Michael H. Harris, President, San Antonio Manufacturers Association

"Leslie has provided on-going team development services for our organization for about 3 years. During that period she has shown great intellect and flexibility which she effectively used to meet the changing needs of my company as we matured into a team managed organization. Beginning with personality assessments for the company's management and then moving on to various key individuals as required, Leslie was instrumental in building the social framework that allowed employee teams to successfully become self-managed workgroups. As our company continues to grow and face new challenges in the global market place, we anticipate Leslie's skills will be needed even more. She has been a valuable asset to Quantum Components. Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity"

- Tim Gikas, Manager of Quality, Quantum Components Ltd.